FREE CONSULTATION - (303) 534-1177

Private Investigators Serving the
Legal & Business Community in Denver, Colorado Since 1982.

Pre-Plea and Presentence Mitigation & Supervision

With 25 years of experience as a Federal Probation Officer, Rich Vaccaro has extensive knowledge of what the court is looking for to assist clients in receiving the most favorable outcome in their criminal case.  This includes preparing comprehensive presentence reports and supervising offenders on probation, parole, and Pretrial Release.

While strongly advocating for clients, Rich completes pre-plea and presentence mitigation reports to assist defense counsel with effective plea negotiations in the early stages of criminal cases, and later before the court at sentencing.  These detailed reports highlight the positive aspects and potential of defendants who have often dealt with various challenges throughout their lives.  Rich can also monitor and support individuals as they move through the court process by providing supervision, which includes referrals for independent substance abuse testing, counseling services, and other activities that promote positive change and compliance.  This guidance and support can assist individuals in putting their best foot forward before the court and making long-lasting, positive changes in their lives.